Executive units

The Science and Technology Unit

The unit responsible for the basic research stages in academic institutions, leading development projects in early technological maturity stages, defense technology infrastructures, building the strength of national infrastructure facilities, and applied scientific research in the fields of defense. The unit's mission is to ensure the preservation of the technological and scientific capabilities of the defense forces while maintaining sights on future innovations. Among the prominent fields of practice of the unit: quantum, biological engineering, chemistry and biology, advanced materials, applied physics, aviation sciences and responsibility for the national infrastructure facilities.

Research and Development Unit

The unit is responsible for the initiation and development of technological building blocks, feasibility tests, development previews, operational demonstrations, and the procurement and management of full development projects for the IDF. Many of the IDF's operational systems originate from the R&D unit, such as: The Iron Dome, Trophy, Iron Beam, Oron Intelligence Aircraft, Spike, Iron Sting, Hermes 450, and many other systems. The R&D unit is a leader in technological fields and many operational areas including missilery and aeronautics, digital, communication and cyber, advanced land, air, and sea systems, optronics, deep-tech, and more. The R&D unit also leads the training process for the elite programs "Talpiot" and "Psagot."

Space and Satellite Administration

The Space and Satellite Administration charged with leading efforts relating to space and guaranteeing the superiority and independent security of the State of Israel in endeavors to, in, and from space. The administration is responsible for all the activities within the defense forces on matters of research, development, production, defense, management, and proficiency within the space forces network, including launch systems, assets in space, as well as command and control systems. The administration was established in 1981 and made Israel begin its journey into space with the launch of the Ofeq 1 satellite in 1988. Since then, the Space and Satellite Administration has led 11 successful satellite launches through the Ofeq series, alongside successful operations in the field of space technology.

Israel Missile Defense Organization

The Israel Missile Defense Organization is charged with matters in the field of missile, rocket, and airborne weapon defenses. The IMDO is responsible for the development and strengthening of all layers of active aerial defense, the defense systems "Iron Dome", "David's Sling", "Arrow 2", and "Arrow 3", and the protection of Israel's skies from threats. The IMDO works in close cooperation with the American Missile Defense Agency. The IMDO was established in 1991 and has accomplished unprecedented achievements in defense of the State of Israel from tens of thousands of aerial threats.

UAV Administration

The UAV Administration is responsible for the reinforcement of unmanned aircraft systems in all aerial layers, as well as the implementation of reconnaissance and attack missions. The drones created in this administration are developed into complete models that include, in addition to the aircraft itself, ground control systems, communication channels, and designated payloads, each depending on the type of aircraft and mission.

Dual-Use Unit

The Dual-Use Unit of the DDR&D promotes technology that can be used as a tool both by civilians and military authorities. This technology includes robots, artificial intelligence, drones, photonics, quantum tech, and cyber defense, in addition to many other technological fields. The Dual-Use Unit of the DDR&D serves as an interface between the Israeli security forces and many of its partners such as government bodies, private investment companies, and corporations in order to accelerate the development of dual-use technology for the mutual benefit of both parties.