Headquarter branches

Planning, Economics, and IT Department

The Headquarters Department of the DDR&D is responsible for short and long term planning processes for the directorate, creating and promoting organizational innovation, Government-To-Government contract guidance, strategy, expenditure of the R&D budget, military personnel roles, computing, development of internal information systems, IT, and organizational knowledge.

Technological Foreign Relations Unit

The unit responsible for leading, initiating, and promoting foreign relations and technological cooperation with partners abroad. Key issues: R&D, technological infrastructures, and building military capabilities.

Contracts Unit

The Contracts Unit is responsible for all the processes and methods of contracts at the DDR&D. The unit manages and financially directs projects ranging from research in academic institutions to national and GTG affairs whilst being responsible for the economic consultation and supervision of contracts in a variety of ways, such as determining membership rates, inflation analysis, financing issues, contracting control, intellectual property authorizations, and financial responsibilities of partnered companies. The unit also oversees the "Green Lane" process used in the engagement of startups.

Special missions

Responsibilities of the chief of science include coordinating the activities of national technology experts and infrastructures in defense industries, multi-year technological plans, inventions, patents, proficiency, the head of the confidentiality committee, the committee of head of the DDR&D's prize for creative thinking, and the head of the infrastructure independency reinforcement committee.

Human Resources Unit

The unit responsible for the cultivation, development, and preservation of human capital, providing safety in routine and emergency situations to all employees, officers, soldiers, women, and men of national service. The unit also deals with individual care on an ongoing basis and logistical support.